Qualité et certifications
Livrer de la qualité et veiller à la sécurité sont à l'ordre du jour dans notre secteur d'activité. Les critères pour l'environnement et la durabilité sont en outre de plus en plus importants. Afin de garantir tout cela, nous nous faisons périodiquement certifier dans les domaines de qualité, sécurité et aspects environnementaux, mais également au niveau du contrôle et des inspections de l'équipement.
ISO 9001 |
FD Gazelle 2020
Dehaco has received a prestigious award from Het Financieele Dagblad (Dutch Financial Times) as one of the fastest growing organisations in The Netherlands.
These Gazellen awards are awarded to companies that have performed outstandingly in the past financial years. Strict criteria’s must be met to be considered eligible for this prize. We have received the award for building a healthy organisation with a growth of more than 20% turnover in a period of three years.
Dehaco was founded more than 30 years ago and has grown extensively in the past few years. Managing director Jeroen Korporaal: "We are extremely proud that we have managed to win this prize for the fourth time. It inspires confidence and provides an enormous boost in times when we have to deal with the necessary challenges."